Caught in a web of sex, lies, and murder, Jonas Dumar wants out, and finds himself running for his life in a journey of desperation. But are
Gabe and Izzy, who seem hell-bent on driving him insane, assassins, angels, or something else altogether? Take a wild voyage across the North Atlantic with a man in possession of too many secrets as Jonas soon comes to learn that a man really can learn more about
himself than he ever wants to know.
Warning: Contains graphic material that might be unsuitable for some
Author: LF Falconer
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Genre: Thriller
Reviewed by: Javier
4 Stars – Recommended Read!
This book is really well written, keeps you guessing the whole
time. It’s the story of a delusional, schizophrenic, trying to find freedom. As
the story unfolds, you start to get a sense of what may be going on, but…you’ll
have to read it for yourself. The only negative comment I have is on the ending.
I would have liked a little more, one – three more words would have, in my
opinion, left the reader with a little more solidification. Definitely worth checking out.
On a 5 Star scale, I give this book a 4.
Same scale – Re-readability – 3, middle of the road. I could re-read this book and have no
qualms doing it, and may even pick up on a few things I missed the first time.