Author London Saint James
London wrote her first short story in the second grade. Her teacher informed her parents she had a big imagination, and as far as he was concerned, having a big imagination wasn’t necessarily a good thing, so she placed her vivid characters, her childhood stories, along with her imagination on the shelf, where they would wither for a while. After all, she needed to grow up and do the “sensible thing.”
Life moved on, London grew up, and the sensible thing earned London a degree in Psychology. She took a serious job in the real world, doing serious things and being a responsible adult, although the need to be a little irresponsible crept in. As a result, she started scribbling again.
Happy to find her imagination was still alive and kicking, she decided to pursue writing, walked away from doing the sensible thing, took on the world of the written word, and has never looked back!
You can find out more about London here:
Web site: http://www.londonsaintjames.com
Blog: http://londonsj.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/LSJRomance
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LSaintJamesRomance
Facebook Author page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/London-Saint-James/154331444626603
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/lsjromance
Kindlegraph: http://www.kindlegraph.com/authors/LSJRomance
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/LSJRomance
Google: http://www.google.com/+LondonSaintJames
London wrote her first short story in the second grade. Her teacher informed her parents she had a big imagination, and as far as he was concerned, having a big imagination wasn’t necessarily a good thing, so she placed her vivid characters, her childhood stories, along with her imagination on the shelf, where they would wither for a while. After all, she needed to grow up and do the “sensible thing.”
Life moved on, London grew up, and the sensible thing earned London a degree in Psychology. She took a serious job in the real world, doing serious things and being a responsible adult, although the need to be a little irresponsible crept in. As a result, she started scribbling again.
Happy to find her imagination was still alive and kicking, she decided to pursue writing, walked away from doing the sensible thing, took on the world of the written word, and has never looked back!
You can find out more about London here:
Web site: http://www.londonsaintjames.com
Blog: http://londonsj.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/LSJRomance
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LSaintJamesRomance
Facebook Author page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/London-Saint-James/154331444626603
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/lsjromance
Kindlegraph: http://www.kindlegraph.com/authors/LSJRomance
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/LSJRomance
Google: http://www.google.com/+LondonSaintJames