We review for Roane Publishing and Evernight Publishing. If you are an author for them you qualify for a discount.
The Talent Cave Reviews has joined Pinterest. We invite you to follow all our boards at:
As a new advertising option for our Featured Authors contact us with your Pinterest information, and we will open our Featured Authors Board for you to post any and all of your book covers.
Winners of our People’s Choice Awards and Covers to Love Polls will also be placed on our Pinterest boards.
Featured Publishers. Please contact us with your Pinterest information, and we will open our Featured Publishers Board for you to post any and all of your book covers.
We average over 3,000 hits a month!
Reviews – For book review information see information under the request review
tab on our site. Advertising on our site has no influence on which books are
accepted for review or the outcome of any reviews posted on The Talent Cave
Reviews. Ads are not an endorsement by The Talent Cave Reviews.
Author Interviews – Contact [email protected] Interviews are on a
first come, first serve basis. Email us to obtain a copy of our interview
Guest Blogger Spots – Contact [email protected] to reserve a day.
Please note reservations are on a first come, first serve basis, so email us to reserve a day.
Static front page small book cover:
Ad will run for 30 days: $5.00
This includes a buy link or website link and a catch line
Static review page small book cover:
Ad will run for 30 days: $8.00
This includes a buy link or website link and a catch line
Rotating banner ad on top of front page:
Ad will run for 30 days: $9.00
This includes a buy link or website link
Featured Authors
Under the Featured Authors tab we will list the authors name with a clickable link to a personal page on our site. The page will feature one .jpg picture of the author and/or their avatar, a personal bio, authors website link, blog link, FB page link, Goodreads link, and Twitter link. As a Featured Author if you email us with any upcoming release information, special author events (i.e., FB event, book signing, blog hops) we will Tweet about it, pass along the information on our FB page, and Google+. You will also have the option to post any and all of your books to our Featured Author Board on Pinterest.
$25.00 annual subscription to join.
***Becoming a featured author will not guarantee books submitted to our site will be reviewed. Being a featured author has no outcome on the type a review you will receive (Positive or less than positive reviews.)
***Becoming a featured publisher will not guarantee all books and/or ARC’s submitted to our site will be reviewed, however we will strive to review as many of our featured publisher’s books as possible. Being a featured publisher has no outcome on the type of review your in-house authors will receive (Positive or less than positive reviews.)
What we will need for book cover/banner ad:
JPG of your book cover/banner along with your link and catch line to [email protected]
We will need your PayPal email in order to send an invoice for payment. Your cover/banner will not be posted to the site until payment is received. If you would like to run a cover/banner for more than 30-days please indicate that in your email to us.
What we will need for Featured Author subscription:
JPG of the author or author avatar, personal bio document, website link, blog link, FB page link, Goodreads link, and Twitter link.
* Publishers, please contact us for special pricing on adding your company banners to our site.
The Talent Cave Reviews will reply to any questions sent to us. If you do not receive a return email within a day or two of your inquiry, please check your spam mail box.
If you are interested in advertising with us, please fill out the contact form below or email us at
[email protected] in order to send us documents or .jpg pictures you will need to email.
The Talent Cave Reviews has joined Pinterest. We invite you to follow all our boards at:
As a new advertising option for our Featured Authors contact us with your Pinterest information, and we will open our Featured Authors Board for you to post any and all of your book covers.
Winners of our People’s Choice Awards and Covers to Love Polls will also be placed on our Pinterest boards.
Featured Publishers. Please contact us with your Pinterest information, and we will open our Featured Publishers Board for you to post any and all of your book covers.
We average over 3,000 hits a month!
Reviews – For book review information see information under the request review
tab on our site. Advertising on our site has no influence on which books are
accepted for review or the outcome of any reviews posted on The Talent Cave
Reviews. Ads are not an endorsement by The Talent Cave Reviews.
Author Interviews – Contact [email protected] Interviews are on a
first come, first serve basis. Email us to obtain a copy of our interview
Guest Blogger Spots – Contact [email protected] to reserve a day.
Please note reservations are on a first come, first serve basis, so email us to reserve a day.
Static front page small book cover:
Ad will run for 30 days: $5.00
This includes a buy link or website link and a catch line
Static review page small book cover:
Ad will run for 30 days: $8.00
This includes a buy link or website link and a catch line
Rotating banner ad on top of front page:
Ad will run for 30 days: $9.00
This includes a buy link or website link
Featured Authors
Under the Featured Authors tab we will list the authors name with a clickable link to a personal page on our site. The page will feature one .jpg picture of the author and/or their avatar, a personal bio, authors website link, blog link, FB page link, Goodreads link, and Twitter link. As a Featured Author if you email us with any upcoming release information, special author events (i.e., FB event, book signing, blog hops) we will Tweet about it, pass along the information on our FB page, and Google+. You will also have the option to post any and all of your books to our Featured Author Board on Pinterest.
$25.00 annual subscription to join.
***Becoming a featured author will not guarantee books submitted to our site will be reviewed. Being a featured author has no outcome on the type a review you will receive (Positive or less than positive reviews.)
***Becoming a featured publisher will not guarantee all books and/or ARC’s submitted to our site will be reviewed, however we will strive to review as many of our featured publisher’s books as possible. Being a featured publisher has no outcome on the type of review your in-house authors will receive (Positive or less than positive reviews.)
What we will need for book cover/banner ad:
JPG of your book cover/banner along with your link and catch line to [email protected]
We will need your PayPal email in order to send an invoice for payment. Your cover/banner will not be posted to the site until payment is received. If you would like to run a cover/banner for more than 30-days please indicate that in your email to us.
What we will need for Featured Author subscription:
JPG of the author or author avatar, personal bio document, website link, blog link, FB page link, Goodreads link, and Twitter link.
* Publishers, please contact us for special pricing on adding your company banners to our site.
The Talent Cave Reviews will reply to any questions sent to us. If you do not receive a return email within a day or two of your inquiry, please check your spam mail box.
If you are interested in advertising with us, please fill out the contact form below or email us at
[email protected] in order to send us documents or .jpg pictures you will need to email.