romance workshop run by Jackson McGrath, senior editor at Secret Passions. Even across the room from each other, a flame ignites between them as Jackson gives his audience creative prompts to spark their imaginations. Caroline heats up the page by writing a steamy story involving a love triangle between her, Jackson, and his controlling, soon-to-be ex-wife. In reality, however, Jackson’s wife wants him back, and Caroline must overcome her reluctance to stand up to strong women in order to claim Jackson as her own. Can Caroline hold her own against the powerful Janelle McGrath, and if she does, can she cope with the strict limitations Jackson wants to set on their relationship until he signs the divorce papers?
Author: Helena Harker
Publisher: Secret Cravings
Genre: Erotic romance
Short Story (Aprox 42 pages)
Reviewed by Brandi
3 Stars – Good
Okay, how do I review this without giving too much away? Here it goes. A Flight of Imagination is a tale within a tale told in first person. Caroline attends a writer’s conference that doesn’t go well when she pitches her work to the first publisher who is the soon-ex of the man Caroline is trying to have a relationship with. From there her options for publication improve with other publishers, then Caroline goes to a writer workshop. Caroline, is now in the room with Jackson, the man in question. She must scrawl a quick piece by hand during the workshop using a prop for inspiration. Here’s where the story changes up. Now I’m taking a foray into the heroine’s imagination as that story is being written, then back into the reality of Caroline’s life.
After reading other works from Ms. Harker, I was looking forward to reading this story, but I must admit, I did have a hard time getting into this read even though I wanted to be engrossed. I think the reason was mainly due to the fact I just didn’t connect with the heroine or the hero, and the premise didn’t really hook me either, however that doesn’t mean the story is bad, it’s not. I guess I can sum the book up by giving it a good, when I was hoping for great.