Portals. BookLady who won the ebook Kristen who won the ebook Winter’s Sweet Kiss. Tina M who won the ebook For the Love of Murphy. | Congratulations to our winners from the Roane Publishing Beach Reads Blog Hop! |
Thanks to everyone who hopped by our blog and commented!
Happy Book Birthday to Purr-fect Mating! Purr-fect Mating Lil Genie Series Novella Genre: Paranormal / Romance Release Date: July 21, 2014 Publisher:Roane Publishing Keywords: Paranormal, Romance, Shifters Fhina and Wulfar have a little problem.On their wedding night, at the stroke of midnight, Wulfar changes into his shifted wolf form and cannot shift back. Not even to communicate with the woman he loves. Fhina, upon waking the day after their mating, no longer recognizes her mate. Pregnant and confused, she’s convinced herself her mate has run away and left her to live alone. With his dog. Can the cursed pair find a counter charm before Fhina gives birth? Will Wulfar be able to curb his inclination to run? Or will their mutual curses break up their love affair before it’s really even started. Excerpt: “It’s just…Wulfy’s missing, and I thought—” The words stick in my throat. What if she won’t help? How will I ever find him? “He’s what?” In the background, I can hear loud thumps and shouting. “I’m getting the duct tape out. I’ll use it this time, I swear it!” “You will not.” I bite back a giggle. “I might. You have no idea what I’m putting up with. They spent all week at Mom’s, and she hyped them up on pixie sticks and soda. I’ve exhausted a whole day peeling them off the ceiling. I’m just hoping when it wears off they’ll sleep for a week.” “Good luck with that.” “Did you say Wulfy is missing? How long’s he been gone? He’s probably off for a long run. Wolves do that, you know? Remember how Mom used to take off for days, leaving us with Aunt Ginger? Always claiming she was out hunting, when she was really in Vegas gambling?” “But, I haven’t seen him in days.” I shove the notepad back and forth across the table. “Did you, uhm…snap at him?” “No!” “Well, fess up. What happened?” “Nothing. I was on the phone with Mom and I uh…” I try to remember the conversation. “I told her about the doggy bowl I got for Wulfy. I even gave him the fancy new dog food I got for him. He scratched at the door and I let him out.” “You got him a dog bowl?” Bella chokes. “Well, yes. I thought it was a nice thing to do.” Honestly, wolves. They never make sense, even in human form. Of course, I gave Wulfy a dog bowl, how else do you show a dog you love them? One can’t go around petting them 24/7. ~~~oOo~~~ Book Blitz and Tour-wide Giveaway Ecopy of Purr-fect Mating and a $10 Amazon gift card. Ends 8/15/2014 Purr-fect Mating Buy Links: Roane Publishing Amazon Amazon UK Bookstrand Smashwords Barnes and Noble Kobo (Pending) Google Play Books (Pending) Welcome to Beach Reads Blog Hop, hosted by Roane Publishing and thanks so much for hopping on over to our blog. Check out these great reads while relaxing by the beach with your e-reader:
OUR GIVEAWAY: We will be giving away one ebook of Winter's Sweet Kiss. One ebook of For the Love of Murphy. One ebook of Portals to 3 winners. All you need to do to be eligible is comment on this post. Let us know which anthology interest you and leave an email where you can be reached. GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY: Roane Publishing is giving away a grand prize of a KENDAL PAPERWHITE. So be sure and hop on over to their site and enter the rafflecopter for your chance to win, and then hop on to the next blog for more Beach Reads fun, and more chances to win some great prizes. |
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